Bird friendly building design

A look into bird friendly building design

Did you know that collisions with glass buildings is one of the biggest known killer of birds in urban areas; causing hundreds of millions of bird deaths every year? There is no distinction among the fatalities of glass strikes either – strong, healthy birds are just as likely to be victims as weaker ones. Mirror-like glass buildings are the worst culprits, particularly on migration routes, confusing birds into thinking they can fly through a building, or even simply trying to land on the reflection of a tree.

So what can be done to help minimise the number of bird deaths from glass strikes?

Mods to existing buildings

bird friendly building design

A simple yet highly effective way to make windows more bird-friendly is to add designs or decals to window pane surfaces.

sunshades or grilles

Shutters, sunshades or grilles can reduce the amount of visible or reflective glass without interfering with the view from inside.

New bird friendly building designs

Architects, planners and legislators are key to solving this problem. New construction can incorporate bird-friendly design strategies from the initial concept phase. In 2010 new standards were introduced In Toronto in 2010 which required developers to ensure their buildings are more bird friendly, resulting in the deaths of far fewer birds.

bird friendly building design

Reducing the amount of glass in new buildings to make them more bird friendly. This can also the improve insulation and reduce heating costs.

bird friendly building design

Use of recessed windows reduce reflections and the chance of bird strike.

Have a project in mind? Call us now on 01223 881081 or contact us